Cosplay Workshop Series
Date: Thu Apr 18, 5:00 PM MST - Thu Apr 18, 7:00 PM MST
  • STEM,
  • Life Skills
  • Cadette,
  • Senior,
  • Ambassador

Attention: Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors! 

Unlock your creative potential and explore the world of cosplay! Cosplay isn't just about dressing up; it's an art form that encourages self-expression, teamwork, and building confidence. In this special two-session workshop, Girl Scouts will discover the magic of bringing their favorite characters to life while developing valuable life skills of sewing and 3D art development. At our first event, Girl Scouts will begin the design process. At our second event, Girl Scouts will be able to complete their creations and present their designs! Dinner and fun patch will be provided.


Registration closes on 4/4/24.

Contact Alyssa Kervran at with questions.


Girl Scouts is for every girl!  Financial Assistance is available for girls and  families who need additional support in order to access council programs. Please click here to apply.