Suicide is never easy to talk about. Unfortunately, it is ever prevalent in the lives of the youth of today. Resources and trainings are provided below. If you or a youth is at risk, seek help immediately by calling the National Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or 988 (shortcut effective 7/16/22).
- For middle and high school age youth (ages 12-18), suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death. (2020 CDC WISQARS)
- For college-age youth (ages 18-22), suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death. (2020 CDC WISQARS)
- Overall, suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for our youth ages 10-24. (2020 CDC WISQARS)
Here are the Facts & Stats from The Jason Foundation:
- In ages 10 – 14, we have seen an alarming increase in suicides. The number of suicides for this group has more than doubled since 2006, making it the second leading cause of death for that age group.
- More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, COMBINED.
- Each day in our nation, there are an average of over 3,703 attempts by young people in grades 9-12. If these percentages are additionally applied to grades 7 & 8, the numbers would be higher.
- Four out of Five individuals considering suicide give some sign of their intentions, either verbally or behaviorally.
Youth Suicide Prevention
Youth Advocacy and Protection