Behind every Girl Scout and volunteer is a team of local staff ready to help them earn that next badge, embark on a camping adventure, or organize an impactful service project. That’s what a Girl Scout council is. We are here to maintain camp properties, provide local Girl Scouts skill-building workshops and resources to achieve whatever they can dream up.
Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona is a non-profit organization with services and programs open to all Girl Scouts ages 5-17 in Southern Arizona. We are one of 112 Girl Scout councils across the nation, privileged to serve nearly 5,000 Girl Scouts and over 2,000 adult volunteers.
While our volunteer-led troops are a big part of what we do and support, Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona has taken a unique approach to reach more Girl Scouts through our unique Collaborative Programs. As one of only a few councils in the United States implementing this approach, Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona reaches Girl Scouts who may not normally have the opportunity to participate in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Because times have changed and more families in Arizona live in poverty, there are fewer and fewer parents who have the time to volunteer as a leader of a troop. Our council believes it is vitally important to devote resources and time to making the dream of Girl Scouting a reality for more and more Girl Scouts.
Our council, encompassing seven counties in Southern Arizona—with resource centers located in Tucson, Yuma, Sierra Vista, and Nogales—sits on the original homelands of indigenous peoples. It is their care and keeping of these lands that allow us to be here today. As we affirm our Girl Scout values of inclusiveness and diversity, it is our honor and responsibility to help broaden awareness throughout our community and ensure that our members feel represented and valued.