Collaborative Programs

Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona is committed to serving youth impacted by the foster care system. We provide programs in several local group homes. Program staff collaborates with youth to create a fun, safe, and empowering space while exploring topics such as self-esteem, self-worth, healthy relationships, leadership, and life skills.
For over 15 years, Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona has collaborated with a variety of community-based partners to ensure ALL girls have access to Girl Scouting. These programs are facilitated by council staff and include, Girl Scouts Beyond Bars (GSBB), Adelante Jovencitas (Girls Moving Forward), school-based lunch and after-school programs, and Troop 4330, serving Juliettes—roughly 1,600 girls annually are served by these transformative programs.
Focusing on the unique needs of youth impacted by or at risk for involvement with the juvenile justice system.
READ MOREWould your school, or an individual you know, benefit from our collaborative programs? Email Angie for more information.